Thursday, 4 October 2007

I'm Back...

yea**... i'm back to my blog.. after busy for 2-3 months! now i'm settle down a bit.. i'm actually having my final examination now. finished my 3rd paper this morning... 2 more to go and then i'm freeeeee for 3 weeks... 3 weeks sound lame maybe but it's enough for me i guess maybe because i'm no where to go during this break. got got... Johore and .. KL? where else? or sitiawan. On monday 1st of October, Shaynee asked me for breakfast with Eddy due to he was leaving on that afternoon. After breakfast, we were boring and shaynee suggested to go Zoo.. haha! yea, i wanted to visit there since i came malacca! It was a farewell for Eddy too..

Here are some photos I took in ZOO MELAKA.

It said "Hello" when we stepped in front of them. ha.. XD. and i keep shouting "eddy , eddy" but they don't want to say... don't they like eddy this name?

This look cute and special.. So i took a picture of him. ha.. I forgot what its breed. a type of monkey?perhaps.


eddy with shaynee's handbag. lolx. XD he was quite enjoyed carrying it.

it looks cool. but i was afraid of it. *_*

i LOVE this pic the most. haha. she/he is cute. XD

pony pony... adorable. haha.

hmm... *taking a bath*

this is cute.. when we was there.. they suddenly came out from don't-know-where. and then after taking a glimpse at us... they went back to their 'place'. =D

a country club which located opposite the zoo.. nice view from here. XD

haha.. it's eddy with shaynee's handbag again... he was sweating actually and shaynee was quite relax.. haha...

after that, we went McDonalds for lunch.. and then back to ixora and said bye-bye to eddy. wish you all the best in Cyber. See you next year perhaps.

*to eddy and shaynee, don't mind i post u all here ya? hehe XD*


Szeshee said...

du y no ur pic de?
nice blog anyway

reddishTea said...

because that day not in good condition to take.