a late post again. *sigh*
first and foremost...
2 of my best friends' birthdays are just 4 days different... can you imagine how broke am i during june? *cry* and yea, I do smile when they smile. =D
for jess a.k.a P, i think i celebrated for her three times?? haha XD i just realized it when i transfered the photos from my camera just now.
first time.. early celebration together with alok. surprised them by a small lil cake. =D hope my cake aint in their expectation because we were just planning to go out and have a drink. =p
2nd celebration, secret recipe seremban branch with boon ken,chee sheng, jason, one love and of cos.. ME~~ we lied to her that we were heading to fried rice near Terminal 1 for lunch but then we went to secret recipt. haha?i think at the moment, she did trust us?
traaaalalaa~ our cakes and drinks. the one with candle was the birthday girl one. and yoghurt cheese cake is mineeeeee!!!! love yoghurt cheese cake.. muahaha.. XD
you need to make a wish too eventhough the cake is just a SLICE! XD
yaaa, i knew the cake was very smalll.... but is that so hard to make a wish? i doubted. lmao!
and group photo in secret recipe =)
Third Celebration : TARC Hostel and Steven's Corner, Setapak
me, gs and quah popped up before 12am in front of her hostel.. with the help of
Pei Jie, jess's cousin and alok!
thank you guys sooooo much or else plan won't be going on smooth.... =D thanks again! and
thanks to gs and quah for the ride too! from cyber to setapak is realllll far! we started our journey around 9.30pm and we arrived there at 11.50pm (because we cant find TARC.. know why? because their TAR COLLEGE board is soooooooooooo smalllll and covered by leaves! and that night the street was so darkk! how they expect us to spot it lar?) thanks alot to gs and quah who can make it to there that night again! it was our last-minute plan! we decided around 7.30pm when gs told me that he can make it then i was extremely happy that we can give her a surprise. hahaha! XD bare with my
38-ness ! =p but they wouldn't know i'm actually feel very thankful for them because they don't know my blog.. but it's okayyy. i don't mind. haha!
quah turned off his front lights so that she cant spot us easily.. but the street lamps in front of her hostel were too bright until she can see the number plate - 9033!!! why is she so sensitive to this car? *fingers crossing* haha
here u go!
how many wishes you have made this year?
the rule of celebration? her friends made her did this.
not me! XD i just...
thanks to lai kok weng who lead us to tarc. =) thanks to alok n friends too who have been giving many directions! *bow* a pic of us. a nice smile of you. a
first pic of few of us who knew each other for so many years.
(from L to R : lai kok weng, quah, jess , gs and me)
when taking this pic, so many cameras were there and just keep flash flash.... mine,gs's , lai kok weng's and i'm holding quah's camera too. haha! jess's friends all think that we were like reporters. haha!XD finally they have a pic together!
her college friends. they're so kind.
finally, a shot of two best friends. =D
Happy happy birthday to you! hope you like the gifts i gave you! and the celebrations!